Friday, May 27, 2011

Long-term Relationship by Communication

Communication is a matter that should not be ignore, because small problems can become big because of misunderstanding due to communication barriers. In a relationship, whether or household affair, the communication should be paramount to maintaining harmony not only among the women and men but also the people around them. To maintain good communication in order to keep running, the following tips:

Listen to each other
A sense of ego is sometimes difficult to be muted when the communication is in progress, so that often lead to things that are not desirable, such as a misunderstanding.
Unfamiliarity arises when someone just wants to hear her talk and did not want to listen to other people. Therefore, keep your ego attitude and open yourself to be willing to listen to other people or in this case your partner.

Eye contact
Eye contact is a matter that should be maintained when the communication takes place. By maintaining eye contact with the other person or spouse, then not only will make the opponent feel appreciated because you speak faithfully listen, but will also improve the quality of the relationship between you and he.

Listen carefully
It would be very boring if we find a person who understands all things pretentious or self understanding. But what if the hearer who actually think if you were that way? Well, it's not wrong to give opinions or advice to the speaker, but first try to listen to the whole root of the problem and do a half-center in deciphering intent conversation, because it could be the conversation flow is not as you perceived. That way, opinions or advice would you give can be well received by the opponent.

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